Morning meeting games are easy to use and infuse energy into the class.
These 7-morning meeting games will help students focus, increase their attention, and boost engagement. Best of all, you can use them right away!
Before we dive into morning meeting games, I have some tips from my experience that will help you transform your classroom community from chaos to a thriving community using morning meeting! Grab this free 5-day e-mail series! I will take you step by step and show you how to start a morning meeting in your class today!

Several years ago , I had a class that was, well let’s say ……..high maintenance! There was drama, high emotions, and very strong personalities. It felt like I was always running somewhere in the classroom to solve problems or put out fires. It was exhausting!
Something had to change!
It was suggested that I give the morning meeting a try!
Putting new systems and routines in place was where I began. I incorporated greeting and morning meeting games each day! My expectations were consistent and, as a group, we generated class rules.
There were truly days I wanted to give up! It was hard!

Over time, with a lot of consistency and patience, I started to see a difference in my classroom community. The results were amazing!
Most importantly, tattlers had become problem solvers, and arguing was replaced with peer collaboration.
The work I had put into learning and implementing morning meeting and morning meeting games had paid off!
I’d like to share some ideas for morning meeting activities and games with you!
I’ve collected 7 quick and easy morning meeting games for your to try in your classroom.
Quick morning meeting games:

I Spy
I spy is a favorite in our class.
- One child is the leader.
- They pick an object in the room.
- They use the sentence frame……I spy something that is…..
- Then they use words to describe the items such as…color, shape, and size
- The other children try to guess the object using clues.
Kids learn to share ideas and create fun morning meeting questions.
Beach Ball Morning Meeting Game
Morning meeting games, like this one, are perfect morning meeting games for kindergarten.
- one child holds a beach ball and throws it to another student using an underhand toss.
- That child looks under their thumbs and reads the information written on the ball such as alphabet letters or sight words.
- If you do not know the answer you sit down.
- The game ends when everyone has had a turn.

Silly Motion Morning Meeting Game
This copycat game is one of the morning meeting activities elementary children love!
This is one of the easy morning meeting games that teaches listening, self-regulation, and mirroring movements.
It helps kids learn how to follow directions by using simple gestures.
- The teacher picks one child to stand in the middle of the circle.
- The student makes a motion with their hands or body and the class mirrors them.
- The class says: make a silly motion …make a silly motion and we make it back to you.
- It’s fun to copy everything you do. Now everybody stop!
- The teacher chooses another child and the game continues until several children have a turn.
Pass The Bean Bag Morning Meeting Game
- In this game, the first child passes the bean bag to the child next to them.
- The teacher plays music stopping it to say: the person who is left holding the bag, put the bean bag down on the floor, and the person on the right, picks the beanbag up, and starts passing it around once more.
- Start the music and repeat it several times.
- The children are practicing listening and focusing during this game.

Listen, Listen Morning Meeting Game
This fun morning meeting game is like Simon says.
- The teacher gives a direction.
- The children must wait until they hear the word go to follow that direction.
- For example, the teacher says touch your head.
- Go…The teacher continues with two-step directions like hands-on head then on elbows. Go.
- If the child misses the direction they sit down.
Count and Sit Morning Meeting Game
- The children stand in a circle.
- I have them pass a stuffed toy, and each child says a number from 1 to 10 the next child sits down.
- This game is like sparkle.

Number Ten Frame Domino Game
- Pass the number domino cards out to all the students.
- The teacher picks a card to start and lays it down.
- Students match number cards to ten frame cards continuing until all cards have been used.
Grab your dominos to try here.
With a little creativity, any of these morning meeting games can be tailored to suit the needs of any student. Have fun playing, and remember the ultimate goal of this routine: bringing your students together as a community.
Get started today! Don’t forget to sign up for your free Morning meeting e mail series here!
With time and effort, the children learn how to work together and respect each other’s ideas in the morning meetings, they’ll be able to work together and achieve more throughout their day.
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