New to teaching kindergarten? New Kindergarten teachers take advantage of our top tips to help make your first year a bit easier.

New kindergarten teachers, if you’re just starting out in the world of teaching kindergarten, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed! With the right tips, tricks, and strategies, however, you’ll be prepared to tackle the many challenges that come your way. Here are my top tips for new kindergarten teachers to help ensure a successful school year.
You can start with this free download that will help you map out a management plan for your year!

1. Have materials ready.
Kindergarten kids have very, very short attention spans. Anything that you need for your day should be at your fingertips. It is helpful for new kindergarten teachers to make a list of materials and what time they will need them. Lay the materials out with a sticky note on top so they are ready to go!
2. Introduce and practice routines.
The first day of Kindergarten can seem long for a 5 yr old. One of the questions that they ask all day is when is it time to go?
Introduce and practice routines starting day one. Use visual schedules to help them throughout the day. Also, use visuals for expected behaviors. We practice routines and signals. For example, I use a bell to have the children stop, put their hands on their heads, and listen to a direction. We play a game similar to freeze dance to practice this signal during the first six weeks of school.

3. Allow for adjustment time.
As new kindergarten teachers, you may feel as though you need to have your students jump right into their day! Let them ease into their day with some familiar, easy items. Place items that are super easy to use out for their first play experience in your room. Some examples are simple blocks, legos, and play dough. This helps students realize that there are already things they know how to do in this new place, which builds confidence on their first day.
4 New Kindergarten teachers make connections.
Take time to talk to your students. As new kindergarten teachers, you may feel the need to rush to begin the curriculum. Building community and making connections with your students will help establish relationships in your kindergarten teaching. Morning meeting is the perfect time to find out new things about each student. Ask them who has pets, etc. Show them the symbol for connections in the classroom.

5 Prepare for tears.

It happens. Kids get sad. They cry, sometimes a lot, during the first few days of school. One of the best kindergarten teacher tips that I got was to have a designated magic tissue box to help the child feel better and a stuffed animal that they can hug for comfort. Also, explain that it is okay to feel sad, and crying just gets the sadness out! I continually explain that feelings come and go. It helps to partner kids up or encourage the crying child to draw a picture.
6 Open your classroom together.
The classroom is fairly stark when the kids come to school on their first day. Bulletin boards only have the basic displays that I need to establish routines and plenty of space for their work. Covering any other shelves that you will not need helps the children to focus on the materials being introduced. Only introduce the materials they need. Model how to take it out, use it, and put it away.
7 Take it slow and use brain breaks.
Kindergarten kids have very short attention spans, especially in new environments. You, as a new kindergarten teacher, might feel as though you need to plow through your plans. Make sure you have a flow to your day that allows them to be seated and then move often.

Use brain breaks to ease them into the flow of your classroom.
8. Dismissal prep and practice.
Dismissal on the first day can be a huge challenge if you are not prepared! Knowing how each child will be going home is the first thing that you need. Leave a lot of time for your first dismissal pack up. This way you can be sure everyone has and keeps their belongings. One of the most useful kindergarten teacher tips I can suggest is to practice dismissal procedures with your students several times during the day. Line them up, show them, and practice.
9. Give yourself grace!
Remember, this is your first time teaching in kindergarten! Be gentle with yourself! Chances are there will be unexpected hiccups along the way. You can always make changes to anything that is not working for you!

The post covid classroom has been challenging for both the new kindergarten teachers as well as the seasoned teachers. Our students are struggling with limited social interactions that greatly impact our classrooms! Tips for kindergarten teachers must now include students with big feelings.
Bonus tip: create a community that is safe for all learners by teaching self-regulation skills to all the students. This can be done with a mindful minute and yoga. I love using the mindfulness teacher on youtube to do daily self-regulation practice.
I hope that these tips support you in your role as new kindergarten teachers for the year ahead. Have an open mind, and a big heart, and celebrate your student’s successes! Enjoy the magic that kindergarten students bring! I hope that you will benefit from my experience and find joy of teaching in kindergarten!
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