Managing behavior in kindergarten can often feel like being on survivor: out last, outwit, outplay! The mind of the kindergarten teacher must always be three steps ahead of the literal thinking 5-year-olds. Classroom management in kindergarten is a balancing act of knowing how to develop rules and expectations for students while respecting the stages of development.
Managing behavior in kindergarten doesn’t need to be overwhelming! Create a plan to control systems, create routines and build community with your students so that YOU can confidently manage your classroom! Grab your FREE guide here!

Wondering how to manage a kindergarten class? Here are some kindergarten classroom management techniques and tips:
1. Keep It Simple Keep It Clear!
Group rules and expectations by topic so that kids can have a clear understanding of expectations in each area of the room.

Use visual posters to show expected behaviors. Refer to them stating what your notice….I notice that Kim has her hands to herself and her eyes up front, she is ready for the hall.
2 Generate rules and expectations together.
Rules vs expectations in the classroom as stated in Rules vs. Expectations are how to win the whole year on the first day…. Rules are very different than expectations. Establishing expectations with your group creates a “buy-in” to your classroom community.

Often when kindergarten teachers guide the students to make a list of rules the kids come up with a list of rules that begin with do not, We turn them around to be expectations. For example, students may say don’t run in the classroom the teacher will state it and write it as that will become use walking feet in class.
Morning meeting is the perfect time to begin to generate rules with your children.
3. Use visuals as examples of behavior in kindergarten.
Anchor charts, and, visuals provide clear, reminders of expected behavior in kindergarten for the children. An easily accessible visual that you can point to, will save time and not distract from lessons. Some schools have a copy of each homeroom teacher’s rules in the special teacher’s areas so that consistency is at the forefront.

Providing visual routines and a list of classroom rules and expectations for centers, classroom tools, and bathroom rules in kindergarten helps your classroom run more smoothly.
4 Logical consequences for behavior in kindergarten
The 5 to 6 year old is constantly pushing the boundaries…with themselves, each other, and all the adults in their world. Follow-through is everything. This is why the use of the take-a-break chair is often for little behaviors, so the larger behaviors rarely occur. Letting the children know that what we can and cannot do in our class directly relates to their behavior empowers them and provides a sense of ownership for their behavior in kindergarten. For example, when you show me you can handle clean up, we can get out a wide variety of toys. Classroom management songs for kindergarten are also a wonderful way to provide auditory cues for management.
5 The Tough Customer
There are certain behaviors and circumstances where individual behavior charts are required for behavior in kindergarten. These charts provide a choice of a reward and allow the student to see how they are achieving their goal. The goal should be clear to the student and the reward should be very tangible. Timers are also a wonderful way to help students manage behavior